mental picture

英 [ˈmentl ˈpɪktʃə(r)] 美 [ˈmentl ˈpɪktʃər]




  1. Thus forming an integrated image with all the information placed in a single mental picture can help us to preserve a memory.
  2. The mental picture presented in the previous paragraph describing Python's object-oriented model is actually a fairly good approximation of how Python actually works.
  3. This will involve reformatting and combining data to present it in a model that will give the user a clear mental picture of the problem domain.
  4. It's like being told to get to the moon and all you have for help is a mental picture of you standing on the moon.
  5. Procrastination begins with mental picture of having too much to do. Work for some time and then do something fun to take your mind off things.
  6. This is done by combining belief, emotion and imagination, and forming them into a mental picture of the desired, physical result.
  7. We all have a mental picture of ancient egypt, but is it the right one?
  8. Another trick is to relate the name you hear to that of a famous person and make a mental picture.
  9. We start with a mental picture of every tiny detail in the scene to be painted.
  10. In general, the approach I took to refactor my contracts was to start with a mental picture of how I wanted the relationship between me and my clients to play out.
  11. I had a complete mental picture of the building I wanted to create.
  12. Selfdiscipline, that is, conforming to a mental picture established either by you yourself or by someone else, does not bring about harmony; it only creates chaos.
  13. The general structure that we're looking at can be summarized as this, if this helps paint a nice mental picture.
  14. Say the word'cactus,'and many people get a mental picture of a thick, straight up trunk with rounded tip, and sturdy branches curving to the vertical in a candelabra effect.
  15. And I didn't, because it left a lasting mental picture more effective then any physical mark.
  16. Best of all were students who were given the task of silently visualising a mental picture to go with a new word.
  17. Whatever mental picture, backed by faith, you behold in your conscious mind, and your subconscious mind will bring to pass.
  18. In any event, with conscious decision, I rejected the mirror that no longer served my picture of me and chose my own updated vision to reside as my mental picture of myself.
  19. A mental picture of clouds scudding across the sky.
  20. She had a mental picture of samuel's face.
  21. She had a mental picture of how the house would look when they finished decorating it.
  22. You have a vivid mental picture of the vertebrae snapping apart and the spinal fluid dripping out of them.
  23. Never try and teach a dog anything until you yourself have a thorough knowledge of how to teach it and a clear mental picture of each stage.
  24. But the researchers also believe that when we crave a food we draw a mental picture of it-and that filling the brain with competing images, such as visualising a rainbow, can ease cravings.
  25. Holding firmly to a mental picture of the first sandwich lying encased at the British Museum, I spent the ensuing three months working up a brief biography of its great inventor, his nibs the Earl.
  26. The brain, in other words, builds a mental picture or model.
  27. You always perform on the outside consistent with the mental picture that you have of yourself on the inside.
  28. You also have to have a very precise clear mental picture of where you are going on your journey to success.
  29. I'd already formed a mental picture of what she would be like.
  30. But why should I invent patterns of creation, evolution and destruction? I do not need them and have no desire to lock up the world in a mental picture.



  1. a clear and telling mental image
    1. he described his mental picture of his assailant
    2. he had no clear picture of himself or his world
    3. the events left a permanent impression in his mind

    Synonym:    pictureimpression